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  • Writer's pictureSophie Perkins

A Coloured Glimpse

I have been researching how artists use colour as a tool for creating depth and dimension both aesthetically and semantically. Colour, I understand, has many connotations that come with it but I would like to focus on the interaction of colour with one another and the viewer. I appreciate the relationship between colours in abstract painting, I think this is why I have found myself struggling with how colour works in creating a sense of space and form in abstract art, as I have come to learn colour acts as a fundamental building block to understand abstract spaces. From reading some extracts from one of the Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art: COLOUR , I have gained more of an insight for how colour not only has it’s spiritual impact but also how it interacts with the human eye and optics.

“Glimpses of colour” I find myself using this term to communicate a small intervention of a contrasting colour in amongst the neutral field of floating forms. I suppose I refer to it’s powerful glow like quality in how the interact with the painitng, and how it quit eliterally is a glimpse into the scene or setting. These splashes of hues act as a foil, to uncover more of the story, to give a beginning to what the space is offering. I like to place these ‘glimpses’ in corners and in small measure, therefore they have a responsibility in a tool like sense to direct the viewer’s gaze but also in the way that they interact with the larger more neutral tones.

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